The Pebble\SMTP class uses the following two packages phpmailer/phpmailer and erusev/parsedown

In order to use the SMTP mail system you will have to require the following packages:

composer require erusev/parsedown
composer require phpmailer/phpmailer

This is an example of the configuration used for the SMTP instance:

config/SMTP.php ->


// Configuration for PHPMailer
return [
    'DefaultFrom' => '',
    'DefaultFromName' => 'Time Manager',
    'Host' => '',
    'Port' => 587,
    'SMTPAuth' => true,
    'SMTPSecure' => 'tls',
    'Username' => 'username',
    'Password' => 'password',
    'SMTPDebug' => 0

Now you can send some HTML or Markdown emails:

examples/smtp/index.php ->


require '../../vendor/autoload.php';

use Pebble\SMTP;
use Pebble\Service\ConfigService;

// Get SMTP config array
$config = (new ConfigService())->getConfig();
$smtp_settings = $config->getSection('SMTP');

// Get SMTP instance
$smtp = new SMTP($smtp_settings);

// Some attachements to attach
$paths_to_attachments = [];

// Send text and HTML
    'test subject',
    'Mail content in text',
    '<p>Mail content in HTML</p>',

// Safe mode on markdown (defaults to true)

// Send markdown. The text content of the email is the raw markdown
    'test subject',
    '### Test markdown',
    $paths_to_attachments = []

// Specify both the text and the markdown content
    'test subject',
    'Text content',
    '### Markdown content',
    $paths_to_attachments = []

// Alter from email
$smtp->setFromName('Mr Doe');

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