The Pebble\ACLRole class works almost like the Pebble\ACL class.

The ACLRole class extends the ACL class so it is possible to use all public methods found in the Pebble\ACL class and the Pebble\Auth class.

An ACL role consist of a right and a auth_id. The right could be admin or read and the auth_id is probably the auth_id of a logged in user.

Let's test the ACL object in a controller.

src/ACLRoleTestController.php ->


namespace App;

use Pebble\Service\ACLRoleService;
use Exception;
use Pebble\Attributes\Route;

class ACLRoleTestController

    private $acl_role;
    private $role = [];
    public function __construct()
        // Get acl role instance using the service class
        $this->acl_role = (new ACLRoleService())->getACLRole();

        // Under normal circumstances you would receive an auth_id 
        // from the ACLRole object using `$this->acl_role->getAuthId();`
        // when the user is in session
        $this->role =
                'right' => 'admin',
                'auth_id' => '1'

    #[Route(path: '/role/add')]
    public function roleAdd()
        echo "Access role added";

    #[Route(path: '/role/remove')]
    public function roleRemove()
        echo "Access rights removed";

    #[Route(path: '/admin/notes')]
    public function noteRead(array $params)
        $role = [
            'right' => 'admin',
            // Normally you would use `$this->acl_role->getAuthId();`
            'auth_id' => 1, 

        try {
            echo "You have the admin role. You have access to /admin/notes";
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();

We execute this controller in our index.php file:

examples/acl_role/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use App\ACLRoleTestController;
use Pebble\App\AppExec;
use Pebble\Router;
use Pebble\App\CommonUtils;

class TestApp {

    public function run() {

        $common_utils = new CommonUtils();

        $router = new Router();

$app_exec = new AppExec();

Run this example using:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/acl_role

You can now add the admin role on http://localhost:8000/role/add

You can remove it on http://localhost:8000/role/remove

If the role exists then you may visit http://localhost:8000/admin/notes

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