
Migration creates or updates your database schema. A .migration file will keep track of the current schema version, so that the migration system knows what to execute.

The up migrations are placed in migrations/up/.

Let's load some SQL into the database. The database statements in migrations/up/0001.sql will make it possible to create users and to check users against an ACL system. The 0002.sql creates a note table.

There is a corresponding migrations/up/down folder for migrating down. This folder holds all the statements that will undo the up migrations.

Let's create a command for running the up migration:

examples/migration/up.php ->


include_once "vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Service\MigrationService;

// Get migration instance using service class
$migrate = (new MigrationService())->getMigration();

// This will migrate both SQL files 0001.sql and 0002.sql
// Unless they already have been migrated

// This would also migrate both version up
// $migrate->up();

Run the command from a terminal:

php examples/migration/up.php

You .migration file will now have version 2.

Let's also create a command for running the down migration:

examples/migration/down.php ->


include_once "vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Service\MigrationService;

// Get migration instance using service class
$migrate = (new MigrationService())->getMigration();

// This will migrate both SQL files 0001.sql and 0002.sql
// Unless they already have been migrated

// You could also use
// $migrate->down(0);

// Migrate down to version 1. Drops tables in 0002.sql
// $migrate->down(1);

// Migrate down to version 0 Drops tables in 0001.sql
// $migrate->down(0);

Migrate down from a terminal:

php examples/migration/down.php

Your .migration file is now removed (version 0)

Migrate up again as we will use the new database schema when using the Pebble\Auth class.

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