
The Pebble\Template class is used for creating secure HTML templates. It uses the Pebble\Special class for encoding the template variables. Every HTML entity is encoded by default.

The class has four methods:

  • Template::getOutput($variables_ary, 'path/to/template.php'). Return output of a template as a string
  • Template::getOutputRaw($variables_ary, 'path/to/template.php'). Return output of a template as a string with no encoding
  • Template::render($variables_ary, 'path/to/template.php'). Output the parsed templates directly to stdout (e.g. the browser).
  • Template::renderRaw($variables_ary, 'path/to/template.php'). Output the parsed templates directly to stdout (e.g. the browser) with no encoding.

Let's create a main page template with the variables $title and $content in the src/templates dir. This is the dir where all templates are placed for the examples.

src/templates/main.php ->

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title><?= $title ?></title>


        <?= $title ?>

        <?= $content ?>



We will also create a page template for showing content. We create some paragraphs and then we loop over each one of them.

src/templates/page.php ->

<h3>Hi <?=$username?></h3>

<p>Here is a bunch of paragraphs just for you!</p>


foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph): ?>


We add a new controller class called TemplateTest in the src dir.

src/TemplateTest.php ->


namespace App;

use Pebble\Template;
use Pebble\Attributes\Route;
use Pebble\Router\Request;

class TemplateTest {

    #[Route(path: '/user/:username')]
    public function userGreeting(Request $request) {

        $variables['title'] = 'Greeting with paragraphs'; 
        $variables['username'] = $request->param('username');
        $variables['paragraphs'] = [
            'Hi <w><o><o> ' . $request->param('username') . '<o><o><h> !', 
            'Nice day today!', 
            'Did they build a wall?', 
            'No, they build a dam!'

        // All the variables with HTML specialchars will be auto-encoded, 
        // They are safe to output to the client
        $variables['content'] = Template::getOutput('templates/page.php', $variables);

        // All variables are already encoded, 
        // Therefor we render this template without encoding (renderRaw)
        Template::renderRaw('templates/main.php', $variables);


Now we can tie it all together in our index.php file

examples/template/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Router;
use Pebble\App\AppExec;
use Pebble\App\CommonUtils;

class MyApp {

    public function run () {
        $common_utils = new CommonUtils();

        // Add src to include path 
        // Then templates are loaded without adding 'src' to the path

        $router = new Router();


$app_exec = new AppExec();

Run the application:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/template

Visit a route that does not exist and you will get an error, e.g: http://localhost:8000/does/not/exist

Or visit a route that exists: http://localhost:8000/user/Helena

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