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This part show other small classes you can use:


The Pebble\Captcha class uses the gregwar/captcha package. You need to install this package, e.g. using composer:

composer require diversen/captcha


examples/captcha/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Captcha;

$captcha = new Captcha();

// Ouputs a captcha image
// And sets $_SESSION['captcha_phrase']
// Maybe output this image somewhere in a controller

// // In another controller method you would validate this image
// // Maybe in a form validation 
// if ($captcha->validate($phrase)) {
//     echo "The phrase is OK";
//     // Do something
// } else {
//     echo "The phrase is NOT OK";
// }


The Pebble\CSRF is a protection against Cross-site request forgery. You may read more about Cross-site request forgery on wikipedia.

For implementation you may look at this stackoverflow answer


examples/csrf/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\CSRF;


$csrf = new CSRF();

 * Get a token to use in a form
 * Gets a token to use in a form. E.g. as a hidden input
 * <input name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="<?=$token?>" />
 * This also sets the token value in $_SESSION['csrf_token'] 
$token = $csrf->getToken();

 * Validate the form

// Explicit specify token to validate
$res = $csrf->validateToken($_POST['csrf_token']);

// If no token is set then $_POST['csrf_token'] will be used as token to validate
$res = $csrf->validateToken();

if ($res) {
    echo "Validated";
    // Do something useful
} else {
    echo "Not validated";
    // Give an error

The Pebble\Cookie makes it easy to set a cookie from configuration:

Let's say you have some configuration for setting a cookie:

config/Auth.php ->


    'cookie_path' => '/',
    'cookie_secure' => true,
    'cookie_domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? '',
    'cookie_http' => true

Now you can set a cookie like this:

examples/cookie/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Cookie;
use Pebble\Service\ConfigService;

// Read the config to use with the cookie
$config = (new ConfigService())->getConfig();
$cookie_settings = $config->getSection('Auth');

// Create cookie object
$cookie = new Cookie($cookie_settings);

// Cookie will last for 10 seconds
if (isset($_COOKIE['test'])) {
    echo "Value of the cookie 'test': " .  $_COOKIE['test'];
} else {
    $cookie->setCookie('test', rand(), 10);
    echo "Random 'test' cookie value has been set. Will exist for 10 seconds";

You may run the example:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/cookie/

And then visit http://localhost:8000/


The Pebble\Session is for setting the configuration of the session.

You will need a configuration file like this:

config/SessionShort.php ->


return [
    'lifetime' => 10, // Seconds
    'path' => '/',
    // prefix with a dot to use all domains e.g.
    'domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? '',
    'secure' => true, //
    'httponly' => true,

Now we define our session from the configuration:

examples/session/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Service\ConfigService;
use Pebble\Session;

$config = (new ConfigService())->getConfig();
$session_config = $config->getSection('SessionShort');


if (!isset($_SESSION['started'])) {
    $_SESSION['started'] = random_int(0, 10); 
    echo "Session started has been set";
} else {

    echo "Value of \$_SESSION['started'] = $_SESSION[started]";


The Pebble\SessionTimed will set a SESSION variable that will run out after exactly a determined number of seconds, regardless of the general lifetime of the SESSION cookie:

examples/session_timed/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\SessionTimed;


$session_timed = new SessionTimed();
if (!$session_timed->getValue('test')) {
    echo "Setting new random int as session variable<br>";
    echo "Regardless of the general session's lifetime<br />";
    echo "The random value will exist for 5 seconds";
    $session_timed->setValue('test', random_int(0, 1000000), 5);
} else {
    echo "This is the random int: " . $session_timed->getValue('test');


The Pebble\File class contains only one method which will get all files recursively from a single directory (excluding '.' and '..'):

examples/file/index.php ->


include_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\File;
use Pebble\Path;

// All config/ files
$files = File::dirToArray(Path::getBasePath() . '/config');


A simple key / value cache. Usage:

examples/dbcache/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php"; 

use Pebble\Service\DBService;
use Pebble\DBCache;

$db = (new DBService())->getDB();

$cache = new DBCache($db);

// Try to get a result ignoring max age
// $from_cache = $cache->get('some_key');

// Get a result that is max 10 seconds old
$from_cache = $cache->get('some_key', 10);

if (!$from_cache) {
    echo "No cache result<br />";
    echo "Add value to key 'some_key'<br />";
    $to_cache = ['this is a test'];
    // Not set is inside an DB transaction
    $cache->set('some_key', $to_cache);
} else {
    echo "Got value from cache<br />";

// Delete a value
// $cache->delete('some_key');

Run the example:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/dbcache

And then visit http://localhost:8000/


The Pebble\ExceptionTrace class gets info from an Exception as a string:

examples/exceptiontrace/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Exception;
use Pebble\ExceptionTrace;

try {
    throw new Exception('This went horrible wrong');
} catch (Exception  $e) {
    echo "<pre>" . ExceptionTrace::get($e) . "</pre>";

// This following message will be printed:
// Message: This went horrible wrong
// In: /home/dennis/pebble-framework-docs/examples/exceptiontrace/index.php (9)
// Trace: 
// #0 {main}


The Pebble\Headers class has one method, that will redirect from http to https if the client is not already using https.

examples/headers/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Headers;

// Redirect current url to https


The Pebble\JSON class has one method which is a slightly modified version of json_encode.

It adds the header Content-Type: application/json, and it throws exception on encoding error. It is also possible to use a debug mode.

examples/json/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\JSON;

// Add debug info to the JSON array
JSON::$debug = false; // Default is false

// Send JSON header and response
echo JSON::response(['some value', 'some other value']);

// Outputs -> 
// {"0":"some value","1":"some other value","__POST":[],"__GET":[]}

// Outputs -> (IF JSON::$debug is false)
// ["some value","some other value"]


The Pebble\Path class has one method which gives you the path where vendor/ is locatated:

examples/path/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Path;

echo Path::getBasePath();

// print something like: 
// -> /home/dennis/pebble-framework-docs


The Pebble\Random class has a single method that gives you a truly random string:

examples/random/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Random;

echo Random::generateRandomString(16);
// print something like (2*16) hex chars: 
// -> 3108769d59468a6f6507a663b2fba9a4


The Pebble\Server class has a single method that gives you both scheme and host of your server:

examples/server/index.php ->


require "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Server;

$scheme_and_host = (new Server())->getSchemeAndHost();
echo $scheme_and_host;

// Prints something like this
// -> http://localhost:8000

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