
There is no logging system built-in, but only a service that loads an instance of the Monolog\Logger class. In order to use this service run the following composer command:

composer require monolog/monolog

Without any configuration, the default logger writes log messages to the file logs/main.log file.

If you want to alter the default logger, you can specify this in a Log.php configuration file.

config/Log.php ->


use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Pebble\Path;

// Level
$logger_level = Logger::DEBUG;

// Generate Monolog instance
$logger = new Logger('main');
$base_path = Path::getBasePath();
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($base_path . '/logs/main.log', $logger_level));
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stderr', $logger_level));

return [
    'level' => $logger_level,
    'logger' => $logger,

The logger from the above configuration file writes to the default log file, but also to php://stderr. Let's test it:

examples/logging/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Service\LogService;

// You can get a log instance from AppBase
$log = (new LogService())->getLog();

// Just a message
$log->debug('Debug message');

// Add some more info as an array
$log->debug('Debug message', ['info' => 'Debug info', 'URL' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']]);

// Error message
$log->error('Error message');

// Error message with info as an array
$log->error('Error message', ['info' => 'Error info', 'URL' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']]);

You may run this example:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/logging

If you visit e.g. http://localhost:8000

You will get a couple of log message in logs/main.log, and because we use the log instance from config/Log.php class the same messages are written to php://stderr.

For more information visit Monolog\Logger.

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