
Flash messages are messages that are displayed to the client - usually after some action has been performed.

If the client has logged in, then it is normal to display a message like Welcome. You are now logged in.

In the following example we make two routes, / and /click.

The / route just shows a link, that says Click me. When clicking this link we navigate to /click which sets a flash message in the $_SESSION['flash'] variable.

Then we are redirected back to /, where the flash messages are displayed and cleared.

src/FlashTestController.php ->


namespace App;

use Pebble\Flash;
use Pebble\Attributes\Route;

class FlashTestController
    private $flash;
    function __construct()
        $this->flash = new Flash();

    #[Route(path: '/')]
    public function index()
        $flash_str = '';
        $flashes = $this->flash->getMessages();
        foreach ($flashes as $flash) {
            $flash_str .= $flash['message'] . " ($flash[type]) ";

        $content = '<div><a href="/click">Click me</a></div>';
        if ($flash_str) {
            $content .= "<div style='background-color: lightgreen'>$flash_str</div>";

        echo $content;

    #[Route(path: '/click')]
    public function click()
        $random = rand(0, 10);
        $message = "Your clicked a link and got this random number: $random";
        $this->flash->setMessage($message, 'info', ['flash_remove' => true]);
        header("Location: /");

We execute this controller in our index.php file:

examples/flash/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use App\FlashTestController;
use Pebble\App\AppExec;
use Pebble\Router;
use Pebble\App\CommonUtils;

class TestApp {

    public function run() {

        $common_utils = new CommonUtils();

        // Start session as flash message uses session

        $router = new Router();

$app_exec = new AppExec();

Run the example:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/flash

You may then visit http://localhost:8000

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