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The Pebble\DB class should work with any database, but in this documentation we will stick with a MySQL database. It is also the only database that has a schema containing tables for Pebble\Auth, Pebble\ACL, and Pebble\ACLRole. For instruction on running MySQL you may refer to Setup MySQL


Now we can test all methods. Most of these methods should be self-explanatory.

examples/database/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Service\DBService;
use Pebble\ExceptionTrace;

function debug($message) {
    echo "$message<br/>";

try {

    $db = (new DBService())->getDB();

    $db->prepareExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS note');
    debug("prepareExecute. Dropped note table");

    $table = <<<EOF
    CREATE TABLE `note` (
        `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `entry` text COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci,
        `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
        `auth_id` int NOT NULL,
        `public` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci

    debug("prepareExecute. Created note table");

    $db->insert('note', ['entry' => 'This is a entry text by user id 1', 'auth_id' => 1]);
    $db->insert('note', ['entry' => 'This is a entry text by user id 2', 'auth_id' => 2]);
    $db->insert('note', ['entry' => 'This is another entry text by user id 1', 'auth_id' => 1]);
    $last_insert_id = $db->lastInsertId();
    debug("commit. Commited 3 rows");
    debug("lastInsertId. Last insert ID: $last_insert_id");

    // inTransactionExecute() is a shortcut for beginTransaction() and prepareExecute() and commit()
    // It throws an exception if the transaction fails.
    $last_insert_id = $db->inTransactionExec(function () use ($db) {
        $db->insert('note', ['entry' => 'Another entry by user id 1', 'auth_id' => 1]);
        $db->insert('note', ['entry' => 'Another entry by user id 2', 'auth_id' => 2]);
        $last_insert_id = $db->lastInsertId();
        return $last_insert_id;

    debug("lastInsertId. Last insert ID: $last_insert_id");

    $num_rows = $db->getTableNumRows('note', 'id');
    debug("getTableNumRows. $num_rows rows in table (counting 'id')");

    $row = $db->getOne('note', ['auth_id' => '1']);
    debug("getOne. Got row with ID '$row[id]' and entry '$row[entry]'");

    $rows = $db->getAll('note', ['auth_id' => 1]);
    foreach($rows as $row) {
        debug("getAll. Got row with ID '$row[id]' and entry '$row[entry]'");

    // This gives the same rows as above, but with option for 'order' and 'limit'
    $rows = $db->getAllQuery('SELECT * FROM note', ['auth_id' => '1'], ['id' => 'ASC'], [0, 10]);
    foreach($rows as $row) {
        debug("getAllQuery. Got row with ID '$row[id]' and entry '$row[entry]'");

    $db->update('note', ['entry' => 'This is the UPDATED entry text by user id 1'], ['id' => 1]);
    debug("updated. Updated row with ID '$row[id]'");
    $row = $db->getOneQuery('SELECT * FROM note', ['auth_id' => 1], ['updated' => 'DESC']);
    debug("getOneQuery. Got updated row with ID '$row[id]' and updated entry '$row[entry]'");

    // Use any SQL for getting a single row. Positional parameters
    $row = $db->prepareFetch("SELECT * FROM note WHERE id = ?", [1]);
    debug("prepareFetch (positional parameters). Got row with ID '$row[id]' and entry '$row[entry]'");

    // Use any SQL for getting multiples row. Positional parameters
    $rows = $db->prepareFetchAll("SELECT * FROM note WHERE id >= ?", [1]);
    foreach($rows as $row) {
        debug("prepareFetchAll (positional parameters). Got row with ID '$row[id]' and entry '$row[entry]'");

    // Use any SQL for getting multiples row. Named parameters
    $rows = $db->prepareFetchAll("SELECT * FROM note WHERE id >= :id", ['id' => 1]);
    foreach($rows as $row) {
        debug("prepareFetchAll (named parameters). Got row with ID '$row[id]' and entry '$row[entry]'");

    $db->delete('note', ['id' => 1] );
    debug("Deleted row with id = 1");

    $affected_rows = $db->rowCount();
    debug("rowCount (affected rows): $affected_rows");

    // Get dbh database handle

    // Get LIMIT SQL string
    $limit = $db->getLimitSql([0, 10]);
    debug("getLimitSql. $limit");

    // Get order SQL
    $order = $db->getOrderBySql(['id' => 'ASC', 'username' => 'DESC']);
    debug("getOrderBySql. $order");

    // Get where SQL
    $where_sql = $db->getWhereSql(['auth_id ' => 7, 'birthday' => '1972-02-25']);
    debug("getOrderBySql. $where_sql");

} catch (Exception $e) {
    debug("Error: " . $e->getMessage());
    echo "<pre>" . ExceptionTrace::get($e) . "</pre>";


You may run the example:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/database

And then visit http://localhost:8000/

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