
All files in the config/ folder are read first, when creating the config instance.

There is a couple of configuration files in this directory, but we will just focus on the App.php file.

Any configuration file being used, should return an assoc array with key names and values, and that is what the config/App.php file does.

config/App.php ->


return [
    'env' => 'live',
    'secret' => 'A secret!',

Then all files in the config-locale/ directory are read. Any values in these files will override the values found in config.

config-locale/App.php ->


return [
    'env' => 'dev',

Therefore: In the config-locale folder you should keep locale settings. These settings will override the general settings in config.

Let's use the App.php configuration in an example, where we will be reading some configuration values:

examples/config/index.php ->


require_once "../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Pebble\Service\ConfigService;

// Get the service from the ConfigService class
$config = (new ConfigService())->getConfig();

// Is dev. Because config-locale/ overrides config/
if ($config->get('App.env')) {
    echo  "Env is: " . $config->get('App.env') . "<br />";
    // -> Env is: dev
} else {
    echo "Env is not defined!<br />";

// No override in config-locale/ so we just get 'A secret!'
echo "What is the secret. It is: " . $config->get('App.secret') . "<br />";
// -> What is the secret. It is: A secret!

// You can get a complete configuration section like this:
echo "var_dump all settings in the section App (App.php):<br />";
// -> array(2) { ["env"]=> string(3) "dev" ["secret"]=> string(9) "A secret!" }

You can run this example like this:

php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/config

And visit http://localhost:8000/

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